Peace Family!!!
Eye would like to touch on something very briefly that eye know is very important to us as individuals, as a family, and as a Nation. What eye would like to touch on is the importance of having a 'survival kit.' There are a few reasons why this subject is very prominent in my 3rd(minds' eye). 1 reason is because eye grew up a military brat and have eaten plenty of MRE's(meals ready to eat) in my day, 2 because of my tenure in the Nation Of Islam and being in the F.O.I.(The Fruit Of Islam. The name given to the military training of the men that belong to Islam in North America), and 3 because eye know the time and what must be done.
According to Webster's dictionary, a survival kit is a package containing medical supplies, rations, and other vital equipment for use by a person forced to land in or parachute into the ocean, jungle, or other isolated or hostile territory. Eye don't know about you but those of us who have the Supreme Wisdom, Lessons, or what is called 120 by The Nation Of Gods and Earths and know them should have a few degrees(lessons) ringing in their 3rd(minds' eye) when we read that definition. #3 of English Lesson No. C1, Lost Found Muslim Lesson No.1 Q&A #6 or 3*1-36, 7*1-14(depends on where you got your lessons from) just to give a couple.
Among the Original People here in the wilderness of North America the Supreme knowledge, wisdom, and understanding is present; but we have not been equipped with the best of planning even though The Best Of Planners which is the true and living God is collectively within us all. The 5 P's are Proper, Planning, Prevents, Poor, Performance. For those who don't know but will soon come to know., the earth belongs to the Original Man(LFML No.1 Q&A #1, or 1*1-14) and the Original Blackman is God, owner, and knows every square inch of the Planet Earth(LFML No.1 Q&A #3, or 3*1-14).
So we must know how to build or make a home where there may or may not be a home, and we must know how to master the Original Man(LFML No.1 Q&A #4, or 4*1-14). Why do eye say we must know how to master the Original Man? Because we are the Original Man and some have been known to lose their damn minds when they're not prepared and under pressure. One thing eye learned in the F.O.I is that 'security' is prevention. Security is not waiting for something to happen and then solving the problem. Security is being so on top of things that you prevent a problem from occurring.
Living in the jungles of this continent(LFML No.1 Q&A #6, or 7*1-14) in the wilderness of North America where the 10%(The rich slave makers of the poor. Who teach the poor lies to believe that the Almighty true and living God is a spook and cannot be seen by the physical eye. Otherwise known as the blood-suckers of the poor) continue daily to teach the 85%(The uncivilized people, poison animal eaters, slaves from mental death and power. People who do not know the true and living God or their orgin in this world and worship what they know not, who are easily led in the wrong direction but hard to lead in the right direction) that all they see and hear such as rain, hail, snow, and earthquakes comes from a mystery God, which in turn brings rain, hail, snow, and earthquakes in every form(another subject for another time); and living amongst grafted men and women who are weak and wicked, you can never be too prepared.
Suppose a situation came about where you were unable to leave your home, a survival kit would come in real handy. Imagine not being able to go home due to a housefire or flood. Suppose you had to make an emergency exit from your home and you didn't have time to grab anything but your babies, or think about being stranded on a highway for a while. That little mini survival kit(backpack) that you keep in your car with a first aid kit, sardines, granola bars, extra medicine, phone lists, flashlight, and maybe some reading material can ease a lot of tension.
Now eye'm going to list a few things that you may want to include in your survival kit, and if you can think of anything else please add on and let everybody else know, but what eye want to convey and stress to the enth degree is that THE #1 THING THAT SHOULD BE IN YOUR SURVIVAL KIT IS YOUR 'MIND.'
First Aid For Survival
- Antiseptic
- Gauze (sterile), and tape
- Bandages - various sizes, Ace
- Cotton Balls
- Smelling Salts
- Alcohol
- Aspirin or Tylenol
- Epsom Salt
- Vaseline
- Ipecac syrup (to induce vomiting)
- Antacids (Baking Soda)
- Kaopectate (diarrhea)
- Spirit of Peppermint
- Milk of Magnesia
- Pepto Bismol
- Thermometer
- Small Scissors
- Rubber Tourniquet
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- First Aid Manual
- Antibiotic Ointments
- Hot Water Bottle
- Ice Cap
- Stock medicin currently taking
- Bicycle
- Repair Kits - (mechanical, electrical)
- Short wave transistor radio
- Axe
- Nails, saw, and hammer
- Drill
- Compass
- Shovel and rake
- Boards, plywood - to board windows and doors
- Knives
- Flashlight
- Charcoal
- Kerosene Lamp and kerosene
- Matches and Metal Container
- Candles
- Batteries - all sizes
- Battery operated skillet
- Hibachi, Coleman, sterno stove and sternos
- Insect Repellent, Rat Poison
- Newspaper
- Disinfectant - Pine Soil
- Gas Mask - Pulverize charcoal, take two layers of cotton, put cotton between them, dampen and use this as mask
- Toilet Tissue
- Facial Tissue
- Sanitary Napkins
- Soap
- Wet Ones - or some type of wipes
- Pails - For Toilets
- Water for Bathing - 1 drop of clorox per gallon container
- Mouthwash-(Hydrogen Peroxide)
- Wool Blankets
- Bottle Water
- Navy Beans - Canned
- Juices
- Salt
- Vinegar
- Honey
- Onions and Garlic
- Rubber Gloves - Food Handlers
- Plastic Bags - For disposal
- Vegetable Oil
- Whole Wheat Flour
- Vegetables - Canned in glass, Canned Vegetables - with expiration date stamped
- Rice
- Dry Milk
- Spices Coffee & Tea
- Stainless Steel, Glass, Cookware, Cast Iron
- Cups, Forks, Knives, Spoons
- Paper Plates
- Clorox
- Water purifying tablets
- Lemon Juice - Kills Germs
- Woolens - Sweaters, Skirts
- Cotton - Under clothing
- Goose Down - Parka, vest, comforter
- Thermals
- Insulated Boots
- Hat, Gloves, Scarf
- Rain Gear and Hat
- Sleeping Bags - (sub zero)
- Back Packs
- Sneakers
- Plenty of reading material
- Correct medical problems
- Be positive
- Do not panic - Panic leads to death
- Learn Basic Skills - Canning, dive and roll, have fire drills
- Designate a leader of family to hold unit together
- Assign routine tasks to family members
- Emphasize unity and assure that no one will be left behind
- Learn how far sounds carry in different circumstances, learn how food smells and reveal location, learn how to disguise food odors
- Develope a code to signal family members - (Knocks, Taps)
- Keep Clean - Use Wipes
- Expose human waste promptly
- Develope activities to overcome and cope with fear, boredom, despair, fatigue, hunger, thirst, and injuries
- Phone Lists
Peace and Love!!!