Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Now eye'm not an ordained minister or anything like that., to tell the truth that doesn't mean a damn thing to anybody but the devil and his followers(challenge me if you'd like to), but word is bond, Eye will not be involved in another wedding ceremony unless eye interview the two parties myself because this damn divorce rate is sickening. Not only should the bride and groom be ashamed for saying vows that don't resonate with the core of their being, but those in attendance should be ashamed as well for vowing to do what it takes to keep the two together. As soon as there's a hint of parting ways, people get to choosing sides. Eye'm not saying that everybody does that but most say things like "what can eye do?" or "they have to work it out on their own" or "he or she was wrong." Eye don't care if you're my momma, family, friend, or enemy; eye'm gonna tell you what's up whether you like it or not. Eye won't say "to Hell with you" because when it's reached that stage, you're already in Hell. Hell is the home of confusion and misunderstanding. LET'S TIGHTEN UP AND NOT LIGHTEN UP FAMILY!

Peace and Love


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