When asking certain questions sometimes people say, "there are no right or wrong answers" but that's a damn lie because if it doesn't ad up it's wrong. C'mon say it with me "if it doesn't add up, it's not what's up!!!" Everything God does makes sense and is real!!! Now if you don't understand and things seem supernatural to you, then that just means that you need to get a new teacher and or learn a higher form of mathematics; because everything is mathematics and God is the greatest of mathematicians.
For those of you who frown upon the idea of God being a mathematician, eye recommend that you re(evaluate), re(assess), re(mind), and most importantly re(fer) to, and re(acquaint) yourselves not with a mystery God but with the God that you say is within you. How many of us have said that God has been my doctor, my lawyer, my teacher, my guide, and my on and on and on. Do you mean to tell me that God can be all of the above but God cannot be a mathematician? Eye can hardly believe that unless eye am blind, deaf, and dumb.
God can be whatever his creation is, including man(read your Bible and Holy Qur'an carefully). Whatever field of endeavor you choose to look at you will find that God is the greatest at it, because the mind of God is behind everything in existence and that mind is innate within every original man and woman. Who can say God is not an artist, an architect, a designer, a scientist, a mechanic, an insurer, etc., etc., etc.??? Eye mean c'mon think about it!!! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know these things and eye don't have to show and prove these things because they are self-explanatory.
Eye am very aware that some people would rather have 'some answers' than to be given or accept 'the answer.' So eye will observe what the Bible says and not cast pearls unto swine. It's been said time and time again by our Christian brothers and sisters that "Jesus is the answer." I won't argue that because there is truth buried in that statement; but what eye would like to ask is, if Jesus is the answer, what is the question? Eye know that my righteous Brother Jesus was in tune with the God(The Mind, The Father, The Creator, The Power) within him; and as many who have claimed to follow him, there should be just as many or at least one who should be where he 'was.'
Yes I said 'was' because think about what Jesus said himself in John 14:2,3-"In my Fathers' house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I 'go' to prepare a place for you. And if I 'go' and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where "I AM"(present tense), there ye may be also. Now we just can't blow by that and continue to misinterpret that and receive no benefit from it. LOOK AT IT CAREFULLY AND CLOSELY!!! It doesn't say I go away to prepare a place for you that where I am going you may come or be also. It says "I go away to prepare a place for you that where "I AM"(present tense) you may be also."
That means that the function Jesus was serving, the position that he held, and the chair that he was sitting in was to be filled by those who have proved themselves worthy as followers of him. Jesus knew that as long as he was physically present amongst his disciples they would never do anything themselves and constantly depend upon him. So it was not until Jesus departed that the disciples themselves started doing the greater works that he said they would do, greater than him. That's when they started recalling and bringing back to memory what Jesus taught them, and you will find these things in The Book Of Acts where you have 'the acts' of the Apostles.
When he says "I will come again," it doesn't mean that he personally will come again. It means that as a result of those who follow(not worship) him permitting his mind to be and dwell in them (Philippians 2:5) it will be as if he himself is present because his mind and spirit is there within them. YOU GET IT??? YOU GOT IT??? Okay, Good!!! I mean it's all in there and if you want to argue or debate it, we can walk from Genesis to Revelations and eye will prove it even further without leaving even the slightest shadow of a doubt. That's what the Bible calls rightly 'dividing' the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). See there eye told you everything is mathematics...LOL!!!
Alright, Alright. Eye've taken up a lot of your time so eye won't be long but eye must be strong the rest of the way(smile). People gamble or take risks because they feel that what they currently have is not sufficient and or satisfying enough for them. The amount of money they have doesn't matter. Eye mean why should a rich or wealthy person go to the casino and roll the dice? Even if he/she is doing it for fun that proves my point that what they currently have is not satisfying enough for them. That is why some people will compromise their faith, family, friends, and themselves for 'a chance' to quench that thirst. You are even gambling when you are not mindful of the foods that you eat no matter how much you say you've blessed it.
Eye usually don't tell 'grave stories' but eye will say for the purpose of helping us all, that eye use to love rolling the dice on the corner, in the alley, or wherever to get that loot. Eye use to love taking risks and penitentiary chances because eye thought it was 'the answer' to not necessarily my problems, but my conditions; but now eye don't have to because now everything rolls my way, because my true wants and needs have been met, and 'the answer' was not a knowledge of self but a thorough knowledge of 'self.'
Peace and Love!!!!
Peace.. a thing I have learned to appreciate about you is the fact that you are able to see the truth in things that I have discarded. Your reminder that there is beneficial information in even the bible reminds me to look beyond the perception given to me and see out the light ( truth) in all things for the best part.
Indeed Queen!!! When eye first got KOS eye discarded the poison book like most of us did; but it just donned on me one day that our lessons say we wrote it in advance, and we had already written in it what was going to be done with it which was to be tampered with. So since a lot of people are lost in it, Eye took to intense study of it. Yes it is a poison book but what is medicine? It's poison but if it is prescribed by a competent doctor, administered by a competent nurse, it can affect healing to those who are dead and sleep in it. We got to be able to speak their language. Peace
ReplyDeleteYou are EAGLE ‘Eyed on this one Isaiah. A major reason that some people ‘frown upon GOD being a mathematician’ is because man is accustomed to utilizing and applying practical and simple mathematical calculations, (i.e. ‘arithmetic’) to their ‘physical’ existence and actually believe that mathematics is a ‘human’ development. They can’t get(think) past the ‘practical’ and the ‘simple’ of ‘arithmetic’. Mathematics and arithmetic are two different things. And until ‘our’ people consciously broaden and expand the growth in discovery of their TRUE ‘selves’(the God within), they will continue to fail to see the MATH(GOD) in and around them in its PUREST form, and I’m not talking about ‘pure mathematics’ another human application, no, no Eye. I’m talking about MATHEMATICS as it relates to quantity, structure, space, change, shapes, patterns, etc.; where TRUTH(GOD) is found. Our people for far too long have not tapped ‘back into’ knowledge afforded them by their legacy, (or birthright as you’ve spoken of before), and therefore, fail to even come close to having that definitive spiritual connection. You feeling me Twin? Peace and Love King!!! This Note was AWESOME, lol!!!