This post was not initially intended to be on my blog. It was at first a response to a cousin of mines, who trusts and felt comfortable enough with me, to question me and ask for my advice on a few dilemmas that she is dealing with. And since her problems are not exclusively hers; I felt compelled to share a portion of my response to her, thinking that this could possibly help other women(even men) in similar situations. So here we go:
First of all, it is not a requirement for you to think like a man no matter what your situation is. Secondly, how would you know how to think like a man when as a whole, we do not know what a real man looks like, let alone how he thinks. Thirdly, what does it mean to think like a man? When you are thinking like a real man, you are thinking like God(that's right). The Bible says that "all men have fallen short of the glory of God." But if we wouldn't be lazy and if we would study more, we would have saw that it also tells us that "man is the glory of God." So that means that 'man' has and is falling short of mans' potential. Notice that I didn't say 'his' potential. I said 'mans' potential because that scripture is talking about male and female, it is talking about an intelligence or being as a whole. The word 'God' means force and power, and God was a force and power long before the word God came into existence. God is the SUPREME BEING. Supreme means the highest or greatest and 'being' means to exist; so therefore, man is the Supreme Being and 'Glory of God' even in our weakend state. Spirits do not have gender but we make the mistake of giving spirit a gender because of the vessel that it is being manifest through. Now a spirit can be masculine or feminine but not male or female. Even the alcohol(which is called spirits) that you drink is not male or female. A man and a woman can think the same thoughts and possess the same spirits no matter how unnatural they may seem to both. For example, both male and female can possess the spirit of: compassion, mercy, forgiveness, peace, discomfort, anger, rage, creativity, love etc., etc., etc. Sure there are things that men can do that women can't do and vice versa, but that's the divine order of things. All males aren't men, just as all females aren't women. A boy is not a man and a girl is not a woman; they both have the potential to grow their respective natures. Anything can be a 'God'(including you, Psalms 82:6) if it has force and power. If you can't stop smoking cigarettes, it is a god over you. If you can't control your appetite, it is a god over you. If you are addicted to drugs, alcohol, sleep, a man or anything that keeps you from being who and what you can be, it is a God over you. Most of the times it is our own low desires that suppress the God within us. Women have been mistreated, oppressed, and lied to in this world(system); and that includes in and especially religion(all of them). So what is most important is that you know who you are, and not just what the Bible says or what the preacher says(no matter how good they sound); because they can and have been manipulated, and the proof is in the condition that we have been led to. WOMAN!!! You are the book that must be written and read because it is through you that all the saviours must come. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that whatever God wants man to have, it has to come through a woman. Do you see how great you are? No matter how great Jesus was, he had to come by Mary. You must not be satisfied in just knowing that God is within you, because 'The God' within you wants to come out and become you. You are the seed(child) of God. So that means that you have all the properties in you to grow into and produce all over again that which you came from. Help your man by being the best that you can be as a woman. I'm sorry but Teddy Pendergrass is wrong. 50/50 LOVE DOES NOT WORK, IT TAKES 100/100. I don't want no woman to give me half of her. If you can't give me your ALL, goddammit I don't want you. And you have the divine right to demand the same back. If the best that you can be is more than he is doing right now as a man, do your best to understand his nature and find creative ways to encourage and inspire him to be the best that he can be without beating him up, because he is a conquered, destroyed and dead man. And when he does raise up and HE WILL, I guarantee you that he will destroy nations if he has to in order to protect that which gave hime life, YOU. So in conclusion, don't tell me that you have to think like a man. All you have to do is be your beautiful self, and just make sure that you are being yourself. "SELF IS THE GREATEST THAT YOU CAN BECOME, AND ANYTHING LESS THAN THAT IS WHAT YOU BECAME."
Peace and Love!!!
WOW! One of the few times that I'm rendered speechless, ALMOST. :o) I've always maintained that I DO NOT want to be a woman who feels it neccessary to 'think' like a man or 'act' and behave like a man...women who do that are women who are afraid of experiencing the pain of being hurt by a man as a woman and so they 'try' to fool themselves into that if they can some how align their thought processes and emotions to that of a man then they can somehow protect their hearts. Woman are innately female and men are innately male and there are too many differences and variables to our dna and genetic make up that won't allow such silliness. Think like a man? Hmph! No thank you. Now, with that being said, I do 'understand' men. I've been surrounded by nothing but strong men all of my life so I have developed some insight into 'their' heart patterns, pain, joy, insecurities, light side and, at times, dark side. Being surrounded all of my life by men, I would never prolcaim the ability to think like one, I can't! But, I do have compassion for them and I do understand them and I know that I would be lost as a woman if there were no men. I can't do it all by myself or should I say, I don't want to do it all by myself...now all I have to do is meet the King that The Most High has predestined for me! Peace and Love!!!