It is said in the Book Of Hosea(4:6) that God said "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." If you notice it doesn't say the people, all people, people, or everybody is destroyed. It says 'My' (Gods') people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Now wouldn't you think that Gods' people would be in the know? Well according to this verse and passage, that is not necessarily so. Before we go any further let us understand that the word 'destroyed' doesn't mean vanquished or gone out of existence.
In a nutshell the word 'destroyed' means that said object is damaged to the point that it cannot be used in the manner that it was originally created or made for. If one was to take the short time to read that little passage, it would explain that the knowledge that the people of God were(are) lacking is the knowledge of God, and with greater understanding that means the knowledge of themselves or their very nature.
Now the passage doesn't say that Gods' people didn't believe in a God. The problem lay in the fact that Gods' people had become believers and followers in the God, thinking, and lifestyle of the people they had integrated with; who were in fact their captors, teachers and lords(this sounds oh! so familiar).
Living under these conditions for a protracted period of time caused Gods' people to become and be treated as second class citizens and subservient to the ruling people, because Gods' people had by that(this) time literally lost their original mind; and no man can beat another man at his own game when he's making the rules.
Now remember, everyone was not said to be destroyed, only Gods' people were said to be destroyed. The reason being is because the people who were other than Gods' people were not destroyed because they were living in accord with their nature and God.
All of us have heard the statement, "we are all Gods' children." I won't dispute that statement but I will ask, what God are you a child of? My big brother Jesus stated in the Bible that Satan is the God of this world, and he makes it even further clear in John 8:44 when he says to a certain group of Jews that everyone does not have the same father.
He said that some peoples' father is the true and living God while others father is the devil. I hope that we all understand even though I know some don't want to understand.
Again, the Bible is quoted as saying that you should be mindful of your conduct because you never know when you could be entertaining an angel. Well that's understandable when one lacks the knowledge of Self, God and the Devil; and that would explain why most are constantly bitten by the snake-like mentality of those who they call their family, friends, and Gods' children.
In closing this post I would like for those who are either satisfied or dissatisfied with the way the world is going to ask themselves, WHOSE YOUR DADDY?
There are many books that can give a lot of insight into this broad subject but I highly recommend the book 'Message To The Blackman In America" by Elijah Muhammad. Despite the title of the book, it is a book that will prove helpful to all man and mankind who would like to know who their daddy is.
Peace and Love
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