Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Surah From My Qur'an

You know what? I'm hotter than a burning vagina being marched across 2200 miles of hot Arabian Desert. I'm really pissed off at God right about now and I'm going to explain why as I distill down this blog; and the form that I take will be determined by the current of atmosphere that you're in. When I say I'm pissed off at God I'm not talking about a mystery God, I'm talking about US! We who are in the Nation Of Islam & The Nation Of Gods and Earths.

Pardon Self for a minute and let me tell you a few things about myself that you might not know, or may not care to know; but by the expiration of this writing you will know. I AM of The Nation Of Islam, I AM of the Nation Of Gods and Earths, I AM an Original Man, and I AM of The Righteous. Being righteous doesn't mean that you are right all the time. Being righteous means that you incline or have a natural propensity towards right.

Allow me to reveal a surah from my Qur'an so you will know that I'm not putting on an act and that I'm not trying to cause any trouble amongst the righteous. Up until the age of 16 I grew up a so-called Christian and the Law of Probability says that's because my grandmother who was a Muslim by the name of Dorsie X lost her way after the departure of T.H.E.M. and she returned not back to the essence but to the slave making teaching called Christianity.

Let's skip a few ayats and fast-forward thru this surah in my Qur'an to when I was married back unto my own self at the age of 16. In the summer of 1990 I briefly worked a summer job before my senior year in high school, and on this justice cipher born(job) is where I had my first conscious contact with The Supreme Wisdom/The Lessons/120, and with The Supreme Mathematics & Supreme Alphabet.

On this job I met two biological brothers from NowWhy(New York). The older brother was a Muslim by the name of Ali Bequiem X, and the younger brother whose name is escaping me at this time was a 5%'er. I know some Gods don't like referring to themselves as 5%'ers nowadays but this is what the God called himself, a 5%'er; or as DaGod Emblem would say a 5 persenna.

I had a greater relationship with the older brother only because after I graduated from High School I went back and worked at the company for five years and he was still there, but by the time I went back to work there I was already in possession of my Grand Ol' Earths' Message To The Blackman, her lessons, and everything else I begged her to let me have that she had archived.

Anyway, I did eventually join the Nation Of Islam but I never put my lessons under cap or to memory until June 14th 1994, and that was heavily due to the fact that I had been building with a God by the name of AM GOD and we would build on the phone everyday with The God Kalim who at the time was at Allah School In Mecca. I was working in telecommunications so I was on the phone all day but I eventually got laid-off because my numbers dropped from being on the phone with the God the greater part of the day, and plus they suspected that I was the reason great amounts of copy paper kept coming up missing. In truth I was the reason because I was making hundreds of copies of the lessons and plus degrees that Kalim would send AM GOD and myself via fax machine.

Now anyone who knows me knows how much I loved Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad and that I had a close relationship with him. Doc knew the language of our people and he did whatever it took to bridge the gaps between all of our people, whether it was Moorish Science, Pan-Africanism, Crip & Blood or whatever. A lot of people didn't know it but he even had a 5% name that he told me he went by, it was Sincere something something Allah. DaGod Emblem told me about one time when he ran up on Khallid when he was a young hot-headed 5%'er and he questioned Khallid on the build/destory(8) degree of the 1-40, and he said Khallid ran the degree off to him so swift that it blew him away.

Getting back to why I'm so disgusted. I'm disgusted because for the past few years I've been seeing the N.O.I & the N.G.E go back and forth like some uncivilized savages on these social networks, blogtalk radio, YouTube, and in the public before the eyes and ears of the 85 & 10%. It makes me want to say WHAT THE f&%k sometimes, but since there are 24 degrees in our lessons(23 or 25 depending upon who you got your lessons from) that begin with WHAT, so we all should know what is what. Then WHAT happened?(31,1-36) It seems as though we have allowed the devil to creep in, or should I say surface because it's the devil that tries to divide us and wants us to think that we all are different.

Now I'm not saying that we all have to wave the same flag but I am saying there is only one true Holy and Great Universal Flag Of Islam. Hell, our degrees tell us that the devil has a Universal Flag Of Islam himself but he has to add a sword on the upper part of his. Yes a flag represents a state or a nation but that's only one meaning of what a flag is. Flag also means to signal, communicate, take into custody for questioning or arrest, and to attract the attention of by signalling to stop, or to hail; like when you have to flag down a taxi. The Universal Flag represents a state of mind and we were all flagged down by this teaching when we heard it and it stopped us in our tracks.

The Nation Of Islam existed before M.F.M brought The National of the N.O.I. in 1930 & before Universal Shaamgaud Allah drew up The Universal for The Father to approve of in 1967. God is no respecter of persons so I don't choose the side of nothing and nobody but THE TRUTH, if you're right you're right and if you're wrong you're wrong as far as I'm concerned. I have know problem at all calling W.F. Muhammad/W.D. Fard MASTER Fard Muhammad because he showed forth his power that he was a master, and especially since I know many Gods who call themselves Master this and Master that when they haven't in know way showed themselves to be that, but out of respect I call them what they want to be called.

Master Fard Muhammad was a Supreme Psychologist and he knew the mental condition of the so-called Negro at that time, so he said "for registered muslims only". I'm willing to bet that he knew somebody was going to be rebellious and do exactly what they were told not to do. So knowing how stingy, niggardly, and full of self-hate we were I personally think he used a little reverse psychology, banking on that somebody would eventually take the lessons to every nook & cranny. I'm not saying The Father(Clarence 13X) was rebellious all I know is that he did what was in his heart and mind to do, and what was written of him that he did. I doubt that in between 1930-1963 that The Father was the only one to take the lessons out the temple, but there is no doubt that no one was more effective than he was if anyone else did.

I love Master Fard Muhammad, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Father Allah, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Nation Of Islam, and The Nation Of Gods and Earths. Everytime I'm in New York I visit both the Mosque & the School, and it just so happened that the last time I was there in July I spent more time at the school because I was building with Allah B and some other Gods for quite some time. Gods might as well forget about not being associated with Muslims just because you say you don't submit to nothing, and Muslims might as well forget about not being associated with Gods, because we all have a common rope(lessons) that binds us together so we all should have a common cause & duty that we must perform.

Look at the knowledge born(19) degree or Q&A of the 1-40(LFML#2). "If a civilized person does not perform his duty, what must be done". Look at it carefully!!! It didn't say if a civilized person does not 'attempt' to perform his duty, it says if a civilized person does not perform his duty. In other words if we do not succeed in teaching civilization to other, we should be punished with a severe punishment, or as the following degree states we are held responsible for the the uncivilized and must be punished by the Nation Of Islam. What is the punishment? The punishment is getting more of the same state of death and nothingness that we have been getting from being mixed in and diluted by this devils civilization, which could be eradicated if we united and disallowed labels to keep us from performing or succeeding at performing OUR duty. Everytime someone is made aware of who they are, they are opened up to their gifts, talents, and powers; but when we fail at performing our duty we are punished by the mere fact that we are deprived of everything said person has to offer.

In conclusion, the Original Nation in the wilderness of North America has shown and proven that we know the science of everything in life except UNITY, and if we can't do that then that is a great argument against us being All-Wise, doing everything right and exact, and it could very well be evidence used against us to show and prove that in reality we don't know jack $&%t.

Love, Peace, and Happiness

Isaiah K. Muhammad -AKA- EYE'M Allah(Eye Master Allah)


  1. Peace!

    Wonderful, honest and well said post. I am in 100% agreement with everything stated. I think it is so utterly crazy and makes all look like some foolish arrogant assholes. Each side has this aura and attitude of greater then thou where if we can't unite and get along together neither side will be successful.

    The 5% contains numerous groups as mentioned in the Lesson. If we cannot see that and learn that we are brothers and working towards the same goal we have not fully understood the lessons. And it must go beyond that, we must internalize this bond which we are all a part of if we wish to have any success.

    The goal is to swim back, doesn't matter if we do the breast stroke (NOI), the back stroke (NGE) or any other stroke, as long as it's based on truth it'll provide positive results and work towards getting our asses back home so to speak.

    Glad you mentioned Dr. Khalid as he did understand that and showed and proved it beautifully as you stated.

    Peace God.

    -I Victory.
