Sunday, June 20, 2010


The mind is the most powerful magnet in existence. It is a magnet no doubt but it is a magnet like no other magnet because unlike conventional magnets that only attract metals, the mind can attract all things in existence: persons, places, or things. The mind is so powerful that it can and does attract that which has not yet come into existence, some call that the future. Now 'mind you'(no pun intended) this power can operate two-fold and even more-fold because you have a conscious and sub-conscious mind, and they both are able to attract good or bad, negative and positive, or whatever you want to call it. There are other levels of the mind but I will only play with these two pieces of steel right now for the sake of being as brief as possible.

Your mind attracts whatever you are dealing with. If you are dealing with positivity, you will attract positivity. If you are dealing with negativity, you will attract negativity. If you are dealing with both, you will get a little bit of this and a little bit of that. That's why some people say "if it ain't one thing it's another". That's because they are attracting those things into their lives whether they know it or not. Those who have consciously tapped into the magnetic powers of the mind must at least, at least maintain their current level of magnetism long enough to receive the things they are attracting to themselves that have to come from a great distance(not necessarily miles) in order to reach them. What I mean by maintain your current level of magnetism is that you cannot regress in your thinking because those things that you are attracting will cease in coming to you because you will no longer have the power to draw them to you, and as a result you may end up attracting something(s) that you did not intend to attract, and that happens quite often because the mind never ceases, even when you are asleep.

When you are sleep the body is at rest and the mind is free to roam and go places and do things that it is not allowed to do when you are awake because of the burden and limitations that most of us put on the mind when we are awake due to not seeking to master the mind&body, or being to concerned with bills, relationships, stress, strains, struggles, fears and etc. Hence the saying "only in your dreams" or "in your dreams", and that's why sometimes you may experience an occurrence of deja vu and it seems as if you've been some place before that you know you haven't been before in body.

What's in the mind is real. When I was young I woke up several times with sticky underwear due to having sex in my dreams. My Lil God just turned God(7) on June 14th and I saw him at around 4 or 5 years old two years before he was born. I've dreamt many times about things that seem far-fetched like flying. All of these things are real. In order to fly you have to know and understand what it is that's keepin you down. You can visit NASA in Houston and they have created an environment right here on earth where there is no gravity. You've seen video where astronauts are inside the space shuttle and they're inside that capsule flying around. It's real but the devil wants to keep you blind to your'self'(6:1-14) because that is where that knowledge and science comes from.

Again, what's in the mind is real but what's in the mind may not necessarily be reality. Quote me on this!!! "Reality to most is what's current and if you cannot think beyond the current, you will be carried away by the current." The devil didn't allow the fact that there never was a man in all the history of Islam to come back from a physical death(13:1-40) to stop him from concocting the lie that a man did, and then turn around and convince millions or billions that it was true. How that idea arose and arrived in his mind is a great subject in and of itself but its another subject for another time. The rotation of the earth and it's inhabitants cannot produce gravity in the mind of God unless he is being other than himself.

The magnetism of the mind played a major role in creation and the magnetism of the mind plays a major role in creativity nowadays. If it's true that from one idea came all, then it is true that you cannot always wait for conditions to be perfect before you make a move. Sometimes you have to make a move in order to make conditions perfect; and if you don't feel or think that perfection exists.... create it!!! You have the power to do so. A mantra that I have adopted for myself is "the unachievable to me in non-believable because what can't be achieved by me is non-conceivable". When your motives are pure, concentrated, and in harmony with mathematical correctness, even though you may not know every minor detail of what it takes to bring about what you envision, the power of your universal mind will beckon all of the elements necessary to manifest your idea into a concrete reality. Now that doesn't mean that you won't have to make adjustments down the road but that would only be the results of you not being fully aware of what you are calling into existence. I don't know who said it first but regardless I like the statement "I just love it when a plan comes together" or falls into place. You see if I was the designer of the human anatomy I would have probably put a hole in the head so that people could put their head in the toilet and relieve themselves from all the shit in their heads...LOL!

All magnets(including the mind) have what is called a North and South Pole. I liken the North and South Pole to your higher and lower self and every region in between. One can't hear talk of a North and South Pole and not think of the planet Earth. That is because these simple truths elude to the fact that you are a planet. A planet is something grown or made from the beginning(9:1-14). That which you are composed of is eternal and infinite and that's why I sometimes call consciousness a temporary permanent; because what's prevalent to your consciousness right now will not be on your conscious 5 seconds from now, 5 minutes from now, 5 hours, 5 days, 5 months, or 5 years from now., and since you are a consummation of every thought that you ever had, every thought you've ever had is one grain of sand and one speckle of water/wisdom that comprises the planet/magnet that you are, and is a part of the planet/magnet that you potentially can be.

The universe does not play favorites but it does cater to those who are in harmony with the truth of it. Remember that the Sun AND Moon have attracting power on our planet(8:1-40) so that should serve as an admonishment that life and death both have attracting powers to every aspect of who we are, and anything that you give force and power over you can become your God if you allow it. You may credit your parents exclusively for your birth but let me tell you that you have an innate force and power of attraction within you that played a part in causing your parents to come together when they did, I don't care what the circumstances were. Now that may sound a little self-centered and conceited, but it's not conceited to think that the world revolves around you because it does. It's only conceit when you only think of yourself without any concern for the world and its well being.

Gain control of your thinking because it is your thinking that controls the atoms, that produce the molecules, that produce the cells, that produce the tissues, that produce the organs, that produce the systems of your body. Thank goodness for the subconscious mind because if it wasn't for the subconscious mind most of us would be dead already if it was left up to us to consciously keep the homeostasis of the body.

"There's nothing more complex than the mind; and since you are in possession of one, there should be nothing that you cannot handle with ease once you've mastered it"- Yours truly

Aww man! Time is far spent., so speaking of time let me say that TIME waited a long time for you to arrive, so now that you are here make it to know that you were worth the wait.

Love, Peace and Happiness!!!


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