You say "WAIT ON THE LORD"!!! Well that's exactly what eye'm going do, but eye'm not going to do it in the manner of those who so vehemently use that mantra the most. Eye'm going to 'wait on the Lord' in the most sensible, practical, mathematical, sane and non-spooky way possible. Eye'm going to do it in a way that will produce instant, sound and effective results that will make all of my waiting worth every moment.
Eye can't stand to hear when people are consoling a friend or family member and all they do is just tell them "you just have to wait on the Lord" or "the Lord is going to make a way," and they make it seem as if that person doesn't have to do anything at all.
Eye don't bear witness to the statement that "what you don't know can't hurt you" because it is what you don't know that kills you and makes your life miserable. "IGNORANCE IS BLISS" they say. Now how ignorant of a statement is that? Ignorance is the greatest form of cancer and the #1 killer of all times.
Now eye know that the story of Adam and Eve is symbolical, metaphorical, and to a great degree falsified, but let's examine for a minute how far this ignorance goes back; and we could go back even further than that, because those who are conscious know that the Adam and Eve depicted in the Bible were not the first people, and it can be argued with strong evidence as to whether or not they ever existed at all.
But anyway, it says that God told Adam and Eve not to eat from a particular tree, and if they did eat from it they would die. Then a serpent with a human voice comes along and convinces Eve that they wouldn't die, so Adam and Eve both ended up eating from this tree that they were told not to eat from. Well eye guess some would say the serpent told a litte WHITE lie because they didn't fall over and expire, but they did suffer a spiritual death or depending upon how you look at it a spiritual awakening.
Why was it so easy to get them to disobey and convince her that they wouldn't die? IT WAS IGNORANCE! and you really couldn't blame them. Now these were suppose to be the first people(according to the way they teach it to children in Sunday School), and you're just going to tell them not to do something or you're going to die. Hell, they didn't know what DEATH was and as the saying goes "curiosity killed the cat". To show you even more how ignorant they were, these niggas(not black people) didn't even know they were walking around naked. This leads me back to the topic of waiting on the Lord.
You don't have to wait for something or somebody to show up that's already present. How many people have eye heard say "greater is HE(the Lord) that is in me than he that is in the world". Well if this is true and it is, then goddammit don't you think you need to be activating 'HIM' that's in you instead of looking for outside help. Or how about when it is said "I can do ALL things through Christ(the anointing) that strengtheneth me". Now that right there can work two-fold because when a person can do ALL things, that also means that not only can you invite or attract blessings, but it means that you also have the power to block blessings, invite turmoil into your life, and cause yourself to miss out on many things that are your divine birthright.
Eye refuse to accept being in human form as a valid excuse for weakness. Eye know that eye am more than my form, so eye will not limit myself to the frequency of my form. That which controls my form is who eye am, and eye encompass more than the 6ft. 1inches in height and the 196 pounds of my body. The flesh cannot think, so why should eye give it power over my thoughts when eye am 'The Mind Above The Brain'.
As long as the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of the true and living God is a mystery to you, there will always be uncertainties in your life; and as long as you believe in God outside of you, moreso than inside of you, you can never be all that you were meant to be, because you cannot truly know God and access your power until you accept your own Godhood. Acknowledging someone or something else's divinity is nothing in comparison to truly accepting your own; and until that is done you can only 'know of God', and there is a vast difference between knowing God and knowing of god. Just like a lot of people may know of you, but they may not necessarily know you.
It is true that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" and it is also true that "you are what you eat". So a divine diet (physical and mental) is essential to accessing and maintaining your divinity. You can wait for it as long as you'd like to, but it can wait just as long as you can; and believe me, it will still be here long after you are dead and gone.
So eye go along with those who say "I'm just going to wait on the Lord" because that's what we should do, but we must understand that the word 'wait' doesn't just mean to be patient, delay, and expect. The word wait also means 'to serve', and that's why when you go to a restaurant they have WAITers and WAITresses to serve or wait on you.
The Lord is already present in you and you must serve the Lord which is your higher self by living according to the divine laws of your nature. That's why he is called "the man up above", because it is your higher self or a higher plane of thinking. Philippians 2:5 says that we have access to the same mind that Jesus tapped into but we have to shape up, clean up, and stand up in order to be a 'host' and or 'house' the mind of God. As it is said, "God will not dwell in an unclean temple". That force and power will visit, but it will not dwell there.
"And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth(body) shall be bound in heaven(mind): and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth(body) shall be loosed in heaven(mind)." -Matthew 16:19, 18:18
Peace and Love!!!
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