Sunday, January 24, 2010


The first two words in the above said title are two words that in my Qur'an within this Asiatic World have been traditionally and religiously frowned upon, and very misunderstood. BELIEF and FAITH in terms of what they are are not bad words at all, but what is bad is when they remain what they are and are not GROWN by “a said person of that ability”.

First of all there is a difference between the two terms. A BELIEF is nothing more than an idea. You may hear people say “I believe in God”. That person may think that they are saying more than they are actually saying due to their lack of understanding, but all they are really saying is that they have an idea about what God is because that does not negate the fact that they also 'believe' in the existence of a devil. The truth of the matter is that a person can believe in anything because a belief is nothing more than an idea.

Now belief is just an idea but FAITH is just a step above mere belief alone because faith is the actions that support an idea. You don’t have to do anything to have a belief or idea, but in order to claim that one has faith there must be some action involved, even if that action means to sit, wait, be patient, and do nothing because one has their faith in a mystery god.

When Paul defined faith in Hebrews 11:1 he said-”faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”. If you notice in his definition of faith he never mentioned the word God. That is because just like ‘belief‘ a person can put their faith in anything . In fact there is never a moment in time when a person is not exercising faith. If your 3rd(minds eye) is developed enough you can watch anybodies ways, actions, motions and you will be able to tell where their faith lies and what laws they are operating under.

A lot of Gods and Earths claim that they don’t deal with belief or faith, but eye “hardly ’believe’ that unless eye am blind, deaf, and dumb”. We all deal with belief and faith on some level even if it’s just removing it from the minds of those “who do not know the true and living God or their Origin in this world”. Even when you are just pondering over ideas or maybe you have drawn up a vision or plan; but until you show and prove that you can manifest it, then it can still be ‘considered’ a belief because you do not know the obstacles that will present themselves, and then we will find out whether or not your idea was just an idea or a ‘determined idea’.

Yes a belief is the absence of knowledge and eye know some of us think or act as if we know every damn thing, and we may do know everything; but what you may ’know’ in your subconscious mind may be absent in your conscious mind, and in scope that is where a lot of things are going to count the most. Man eye tell you as Gods we can have ego’s as big as all of the ‘planets’ in the Solar Facts combined. “They(our ego’s) are planets. Planets are something that is grown or made from the beginning“(9:1-14). Everything in nature starts small and then grows large.

Okay, so a belief is just an idea and faith is the actions that support the idea; but now KNOWLEDGE or KNOWING is having the proof and evidence that the idea can exist(be or live). We in our nation have no problem wherein ‘knowledge’ is concerned. Well eye’m going to tread lightly with that statement because that is one ‘piece of steel’ that can be played with.

Anyway, so all of us must go thru and have gone thru these stages until we reach our eventual perfection as the Qur'an says, and that perfection which is the last stage of an idea is the MANIFESTION, which is the birth and demonstration of the existence, reality, or presence of the idea beyond just being a thought or idea alone.

Let us not be fooled nowadays into thinking that the manifestation of the idea is the total completion and perfection of the idea because again as the Qur'an says, we are born complete yet incomplete, perfect yet imperfect. As vast as the universe is there is always room for improvement.


Love, Peace, and Overwhelming Victory!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Like many did when first coming into the knowledge of God eye pretty much threw the Bible away because eye knew it was not holy and that it had been tampered with. Having so little respect for it, there was a point and time when the god Ali Excellence Allah and eye were roommates, and we would tear pages from the Bible to roll a joint if we didn't have a dutch for a blunt or some ziz zags. Hell, eye was thinking if the God could speak to Moses thru a burning bush, surely he could speak thru a tree; especially a tree with his words already on it. Well not a tree but you know what eye mean.

Eye mean we use to do crazy ish like calling prayer lines and harass the call takers, or pretend as if we needed prayer and present whoever was on the other end with scenarios that we knew they didn't have an answer for. That was at a time when eye was living a way of life that if eye told you you would swear that it came right out of a Iceberg Slim or Donald Goines book; or as Malcolm said, it would beat anything Hollywood. DAMN!!! those were some wild days and a far cry from the said abilities that eye am presently of today.

Come June of this year eye will be celebrating my 20th year "inside" the Holy City Of Mecca, and within this wisdom cipher eye have experimented with high explosives in many forms; but eye must admit that over half of those years, months, and days were spent living mathematics in conjunction with a determined idea that was the pursuance of some of what the trader has to offer.

Now don't get me wrong, I've learned a lot, taught many and never taught or advocated any devilishment DIRECTLY, but being a former athlete with a competitive fighting spirit caused me to see that we who are classified as "a said person of that ability", haven't even put a dent in the influence of the mystery god teachings on the human family of the planet Earth. So eye asked myself why are we not being more successful in all of our undertakings? Well, besides the fact that some of us have fallen victim and in love with this devils way of civilization, eye see that it's partially because we haven't gained a comprehensive understanding of the Holy Koran or Bible.

Hell, in competitive sports you watch the film on your opponent and when you have your opponents playbook(Bible,Quran), that is suppose to be an added advantage. It doesn't mean that you change the way you play(SM,SA,120,Supreme Wisdom), nor does it mean that you change your game plan; but what it does is apprise you of what you can expect from them, and you will know what they are capable and incapable of.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that our people sleep in the Bible and that it is their literal graveyard. A dead man can't wake himself up, he has to be awakened. It took an original man to teach the devil how to master the original man and it's going to take THE ORIGINAL MIND to unlock and change the combination of what has been added on the upper part of our peoples brains. A shriner by the name of Dale Carnegie in his best-selling book 'How To Win Friends And Influence People' said that if you want to win people over to the way you think, you have to make them think that your idea was their idea.

In the Original Rules Of Instructions given by our Prophet W.D. Fard to the laborers in the Nation Of Islam on how to use the lessons; in the 3rd instruction a footnote is written by Elijah and he says “No man can be Successful in Teaching a people that cannot speak, clearly, the People's Language“. Does not the born degree in the knowledge to culture cipher degree born the science that the 85% will not 'let'(permit) the 5% teach them? Why? It doesn't say that they won't let the 5% teach them ‘because’ they believe in the 10% on face value. A period precedes the "They believe in the 10% on face value". They won't allow us to teach them because we cannot speak the language that has been grafted into them.

The knowledge cipher degree in the 1-10 says Christianity is 551 years old and if we subtract the 551 from the approximate date of when the lesson was given, it will take us to 1382 when the first Bible was translated into English by John Wycliffe. No where in my lessons does it say that the whiteman had anything to do with making the Holy Koran or Bible, it says the original people made it. Yes Yacob's grafted devil tampered with it, but we had already written "in advance" that he was going to do that; it's written right there in both the Bible and Quran.

Now whether or not there's an actual big book written about 15,095 years ago with 25,000 years of advance history in it, or if it's even possible to do that is another subject for another time; but let us make USE of that which was placed here "in advance" for the babies(us), and no matter who wrote them we should be able to put our original brains into and over the mind of the writer(s) and untie the ropes(Bible & Quran) that bind the minds of the people.

Eye'm a student of guerilla warfare and it's known amongst guerilla warriors that whoever has the support of the people and has the best knowledge of the terrain('land') will win the war. That is why propaganda is so important in warfare. About god years ago eye took the time out to read and absorb the whole Bible and now eye can hold a fruitful conversation with Christians and elevate them and no problem arises until eye tell them my name, but by then they've already taken the anti-venom that will save them from the poison of their snake-bite.

DaGod Emblem got over 2/3rds of the Quran under cap and anybody who has ever read any of the Gods writings should know how valuable the God is and is going to be. Eye openly profess admiration of the God for doing that. That's one helluva undertaking to become a Hafiz. Now eye'm not saying put the books under cap like DaGod, but eye am saying we should survey the land, gain the scope, and make 'use' of them and we will find ourselves even more qualified and effective teachers of those who do not know their origin in this world.

THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS UNUSEFUL LAND! Do you mean to say that out of 57,255,000 square miles of land only 29,000,000 square miles of it is useful? Eye hardly believe that unless eye am blind, deaf, and dumb. The Quran says that Allah hates the prodigal(wasteful) and if it was true that out of 57,255,000 square miles of land, only about half of it was useful; that would not only make Allah a hypocrite but that would make Allah 'The Hypocrite', and eye've never seen that amongst the 99 qualities of Allah. That's why the degree says 'how much is used everyday' and not how much is useful. My ole man worked in the concrete business over 20 years and one of the key ingredients in making concrete is sand, so even the deserts are useful.

In conclusion in The Problem book Fard called the Bible a 'poison book' and it is, but what is medicine? It's poison isn't it? Yes it is., but if it's 'prescribed' by a competent DOCTOR and administered by a competent NURSE, it can affect healing. Since the minds of the people have a great effect on the weather(13:1-40) we should do whatever we can to make it the best weather possible because we all have to live in it. T.H.E.M said that he would fast and pray Allah that he live to see the hereafter when Allah in his own good time takes the devil off our planet(39:1-40). What are you willing to do?

Love, Peace, and Overwhelming Victory!!!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

"TRUE REPENTANCE" from a so-called Virgonians Perspective

Eye get accused of playing with words sometimes just because eye make them make sense; but eye can't help it if they do what eye tell them to do, that's their nature to do as they are told...LOL!!! Words don't lie, it's the one who uses them that lies, and since eye don't lie every word that comes out of my mouth is THE TRUTH.

Right along with being accused of playing with words, eye've been accused of being an over-analyzer, but believe me eye'm not. Eye just choose to see everything for what it's worth because eye deal with root knowledge and not branch knowledge. Hence, the title of my blog THE-ALL-EYE-SEEING

Not being one who turns himself completely over to the science of astrology, but being one who takes the best part from whatever eye lend vibration to; given my study of astrology one thing that eye find consistently said amongst astrologists and even those who have a novice or beginners knowledge of astrology is that when describing the zodiac sign Virgo that eye am said to fall under,they all generally say that Virgo's are some very analytical people.

Now eye can't speak for any other so-called Virgos because eye know that there are Virgos on welfare and Virgos on Wall Street, but when it comes to me this assertion is 100% Right and Exact. Have you ever been in a crowded room and felt as though someone was looking at you or watching you? Well, the chances are that it was probably me or someone like me who observes everything and everybody.

With all of that being said eye'm going to tackle a word considered by most to be a religious term and eye would suspect that that plays a major part in the equation as to why it's misunderstood mostly by the religious. The word that eye'm speaking of is the word 'REPENT'.

Now eye know Mr. Webster and Mr. or Mrs. Funk & Wagnall may overcast the definition of 'repent' with religious connotations, or simply say that it is to be remorseful or contrite in regards to what one has done; but their definitions do not get to the root of what it is to 'repent' and does not give insight into what it truly means to repent so that one may yield power from it.

What eye'm going to do is issue and advance my understanding of the word 'repent' and if you find any value in it, lay hold to it; but if not you should REPENT! YOU OL' FISH-EYED FOOL...LOL! (bless the dead). You've got to pardon me but eye loves me some Sanford and Son. The battles between Fred G. Sanford and Aunt Esther were classic., and by the way the G does stand for God.

Everyone knows the prefix 're' means- again, to do again, or to do over yada yada yada. The word 'pent' is the past tense of the word 'pen'. Not a 'pen' that is a writing instrument nor 'pen' as in writing or authoring a book; but a 'pen' as in an enclosure or something that confines animals such as a bullpen, a hog or pigpen, and even penitentiary or penal system.

My great-grandmother who is still living loves watching wrestling and seeing The Smackdown; but her favorite wrestler was The Junkyard Dog and she use to love seeing him use his finishing move called THE THUMP and 'pen' his opponent on the canvas. Again 'pent' is the past tense of the word 'pen', so he penned or pent his opponent on the ground, against the ropes, or on the wall. So bascially we are dealing with confinement.

When an animal is not confined it is wild and free to roam and wander(wonder) like a vagabond, and has to fend for himself and secure its own food and protection unlike a confined animal who is provided for and taken care of.

The universe has laws that govern it and the laws that govern the universe are wrapped up in the very nature of you and eye; so when we break or attempt to break the law we are acting against ourselves and there are penalties when one breaks the law, just as there are rewards for obeying the law. NO ONE GETS AWAY WITH ANYTHING! It doesn't matter whether anyone sees you or not, if no one else sees you, you see you and that has its effects whether you know it or not.

The law of gravity doesn't care whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Atheist, believer, disbeliever, or hypocrite. If anyone of them go and jump off of a skyscraper their all going to fall at the same rate of speed.

So to 'REPENT' transcends the thought alone of worshipping or following some ethereal being; and it goes beyond just merely feeling remorseful, getting on your knees, throwing your hands up, asking for forgiveness, or doing however many Hail Mary's.

So what does it mean to repent? To 'repent' means to come back under the confinement or back in harmony with the laws that govern existence or that which promotes life and not death. You can call it what you want to: the laws of God, The laws of Nature, or The laws of Being; but no matter what you call it you must be in harmony with it to avoid a premature death.


Peace, Love, and Victory!!!
